Massage for Chronic Illness
Light pressure mobilizes the immune system in a way that a standard massage may oversee. Protocol created by Carey Benneson Taussig.
60-minute ---------- $140
75-minute ---------- $160
90-minute ---------- $180
Massage for Chronic Illness Q&A
What is a Massage for Chronic Illness?
Massage for Chronic Illness is a 7-step protocol that is inclusive of MLD and other techniques derived from osteopathic and craniosacral, providing gentle visceral manipulation. Massage for Chronic Illness is a gentle approach to bodywork.
When Might I Need Massage for Chronic Illness?
Massage for Chronic Illness can be helpful for many different health and wellness needs, including but not limited to:
Lyme Disease
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
MECFS (similar as above)
Long haul COVID symptoms
How Soon Can I Book?
You can book your session if you are experiencing chronic illness. We will need at least 72 hour notice so the therapist has time to formulate a protocol based on your intake form.